GearTrax is a SOLIDWORKS add-in that automatically creates solid models of drive elements, including spur gears, helical gears, bevel gears, sprockets, involutes, toothed belt gears, worm gears and worms, splines, V-belt gears, and more The tool is so easy to use that even designers with limited gear design experience can easily accomplish the task with GearTrax
GearTrax is a SOLIDWORKS add-in that automatically creates solid models of drive components, including spur gears, helical gears, bevel gears, sprockets, involutes, toothed belt gears, worm gears and worms, splines, V-belt gears, and more. The tool is so easy to use that even designers with limited gear design experience can easily accomplish the task with GearTrax. Because GearTrax is not just a gear library, it can automatically complete the drawing of solid models in SOLIDWORKS according to your special requirements, and the process can be completed quickly in only a few tens of seconds.

GearTrax & CamTrax64
GearTeq is guided by the assembly characteristics of the gear set to quickly complete the design of the gear set mechanism.
CamTrax64helps designers quickly create a variety of solid cam parts with linear dynamic control parameters required by the system. By exporting the corresponding cam parameters, SOLIDWORKS can be driven to quickly create a solid model of the cam.
Main features of CamTrax64:
· Cylindrical cam
· Flat Cam
· Linear Cam
· Pan to the center
· Reverse center translation
· Rocker arm
· Manufacturing modules for NC control
Actually the versions of GearTrax and GearTeq are compatible with SOLIDWORKS 2009 and above, and the version of CamTrax64 is compatible with SOLIDWORKS 2010 and above.
CamTrax64 can run as a separate program, and users can download it from the software's official website.